Children's Dentistry in Marbella


1-2 Quotes

Taking care of your child's teeth and mouth is an investment in their future well-being and that of their future families. If they develop the right habits now, including regular preventive visits to their dentist, they will have fewer problems when they are older.

Baby teeth are not just there to help them eat when they are young. They also act as 'space maintainers', helping to maintain the correct spaces needed for your permanent teeth to erupt in the correct places. If you lose space due to a large cavity in a baby tooth, or a baby tooth that needs to be extracted early, there is a much higher chance that your child will need orthodontics during adolescence, since their teeth will most likely don't do it. They break into their ideal positions.

Space maintainers

Baby teeth are not just there to help them eat when they are young. They also act as 'space maintainers', helping to maintain the correct spaces needed for your permanent teeth to erupt in the correct places. If you lose space due to a large cavity in a baby tooth, or a baby tooth that needs to be extracted early, there is a much higher chance that your child will need orthodontics during adolescence, since their teeth will most likely don't do it. They break into their ideal positions.

'Band and Loop space maintainer: to keep the space open so that the adult tooth can have room to erupt into its proper position:



Orthodontics to help channel the child's natural facial bone growth to aid a good future bite, as well as correct the position of teeth that do not meet well together or that look crooked and are difficult to clean.

Mouth guards

Professional sports mouthguards like those used by professional athletes, to help prevent injuries to our children's teeth.


Frequently Asked Questions about a Extractions and Oral Surgery in Marbella

What is dental extractions and oral surgery, and when might I need it?

Dental extractions and oral surgery involve procedures to remove teeth and address various oral health issues. You might need it for impacted wisdom teeth, severe tooth decay, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment.

Do you offer dental extractions and oral surgery services in your dental clinic?

Yes, we provide dental extractions and oral surgery services in dental practice. Our experienced team can assess your needs and perform these procedures when necessary.

Is oral surgery for dental extractions painful?

Oral surgery for dental extractions is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that you do not feel pain during the procedure. Some post-surgery discomfort is common and can be managed with prescribed pain medication.

What are the potential complications of not undergoing necessary dental extractions and oral surgery?

Delaying necessary dental extractions and oral surgery can lead to worsening oral health problems, including infections, pain, and damage to adjacent teeth and tissues.

Can I eat normally after dental extractions and oral surgery?

You'll need to stick to a soft diet for a few days following oral surgery, gradually transitioning to your regular diet as you heal. Your dentist will provide specific dietary recommendations.

Is it safe to undergo dental extractions and oral surgery during pregnancy?

Dental extractions and oral surgery can be performed safely during pregnancy, especially if there's an infection or a risk to your oral health. Always inform your dentist about your pregnancy for proper precautions.

Request a Children's Dentistry consult Appointment

Price range

Space maintainers are several hundred € but you would need a consult with the orthodontist to determine which you need.
Fillings for kids start at 79€.

* for a children's clean and polish (12 years and under)
