The Most Technologically Advanced Clinic in Marbella

R&H DENTAL is one of the only dental clinics in Marbella to have a full facial 3D x-ray machine to take the guess-work out of diagnosis. This enhances safety and precision in all treatments, especially dental implants and oral surgery. This is the industry gold standard for an excellent result and we made the necessary investment to be able to offer this service to our patients. If your current dentist does not have a 3D full facial x-ray machine, we also offer a service to image these here, on their behalf.

What is CBCT Radiography?

CBCT (cone-beam computed tomography) is a type of medical imaging technology that uses x-rays to produce detailed 3D images of the teeth, jaws, and surrounding structures. It is often used in dentistry to help diagnose and treat various oral health problems.

One of the main advantages of CBCT over traditional 2D x-ray systems is that it provides a more comprehensive view of the structures in the mouth. This can be particularly useful in cases where a detailed analysis of the teeth, jawbone, or surrounding tissues is needed. For example, CBCT may be used to help plan orthodontic treatment, assess the health of the jawbone, or diagnose problems with the teeth and jaws. It is also often used in conjunction with other types of imaging technology, such as CT scans and MRI, to provide a more complete picture of the mouth and surrounding structures.


What is CEREC?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic) is a technology used in dentistry to create high-quality ceramic restorations, such as crowns, inlays, and onlays, in a single appointment.

Traditionally, the process of creating a ceramic restoration involves taking an impression of the tooth, creating a model, and then using the model to fabricate the restoration in a dental laboratory. This process can take several weeks and often requires the patient to wear a temporary restoration in the meantime.

With CEREC, the entire process can be completed in a single appointment. The dentist uses a special camera to take a digital impression of the tooth, which is then used to design the restoration on a computer. The design is sent to a milling machine, which creates the restoration out of a block of ceramic material. The restoration is then fitted and bonded to the tooth.

CEREC technology allows for the creation of high-quality ceramic restorations in a shorter amount of time and with fewer visits to the dentist. It can also be more convenient for patients, as they do not need to wear a temporary restoration while they wait for the final restoration to be made in the laboratory.
