Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella

Our Marbella Dentures are custom-made to feel comfortable and to look natural!


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Dentures in Marbella

If you are missing one or more teeth, an effective way to restore the lost spaces in your dental arch is with a removable prosthesis. Dentures are made in collaboration with a dental laboratory and involve around 5 short visits to your dentist, with a one-week gap between appointments while the lab builds the dentures.

Dentures can be made of acrylic (good because it is lightweight and relatively cheaper) or metal (good because it is usually thinner and can be used for thinner builds).

Traditional Full Upper and Lower Acrylic Dentures
Metal and acrylic lower partial denture
The R&H DENTAL Difference

The difference between the sets of dentures we make here at R&H DENTAL are notable to any patient who has ever had some done with us. First of all, we take our time. Typically you will need about 5 separate sessions while we make small adjustments and send them to the dental laboratory for fabrication. Secondly, we use advanced dental gadgets to ensure that your bite is in a comfortable position, relative to your skull and face. This form of registration ensures comfort, long-term stability, and greatly decreases the chances of you developing jaw joint pain due to poorly made dentures.

Implant-supported overdentures in Marbella

The biggest advances made in removable dentures are that they can now be placed over dental implants and can be snapped into place with a 'click'. This means that the traditional problem of loose dentures no longer exists. Request a free consultation with one of our specialist dentists at R&H Clinica Dental to get a detailed explanation and see what is best for you.


Permanently fixed in place, you don't need to remove them at night and can clean them as you would your natural teeth.

Removable in nature, they ´clip´ into place, but when in the mouth they are extremely stable and don't move around all the time like traditional lower dentures.

Frequently asked questions about really comfortable dentures in Marbella

What are Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella and how are they different from traditional dentures?

Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella are custom-designed dentures that prioritize comfort, fit and functionality. Unlike traditional dentures, they are specifically created to offer an exceptional level of comfort.

Do you offer Truly Comfortable Dentures at your Marbella dental clinic?

Yes, we offer Truly Comfortable Dentures at our Marbella clinic. Our experienced team specializes in creating dentures that provide maximum comfort for our patients.

What makes Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella so comfortable compared to conventional dentures?

Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella are made using advanced materials and techniques to ensure a precise fit, minimizing the discomfort and irritation often associated with traditional dentures.

How long does it take to get Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella?

The process may vary depending on individual needs, but typically involves several appointments for impressions, adjustments, and fittings. Our goal is to ensure your complete comfort.

Are Truly Comfortable Dentures more expensive than traditional dentures in Marbella?

The cost of Truly Comfort Dentures may be slightly higher due to the advanced materials and custom craftsmanship involved. However, many patients find that the increased comfort is worth the investment.

Can Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella be used for the upper and lower teeth?

Yes, Truly Comfort Dentures can be designed for both upper and lower teeth, providing exceptional comfort and full functionality.

Are Truly Comfort Dentures suitable for patients with sensitive gums or oral sensitivities?

Absolutely, Truly Comfort Dentures are a great option for patients with sensitive gums or oral sensitivities, as their custom fit minimizes irritation.

How should I care for and maintain my Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella?

Proper care includes daily cleaning, rinsing and regular check-ups with your Marbella dentist. We will provide you with detailed care instructions to ensure the longevity of your dentures.

Can I eat and talk comfortably with Truly Comfortable Dentures?

 Yes, Truly Comfort Dentures are designed to allow for comfortable eating and communication. Its precise fit guarantees stability and ease of use.

How can I make an appointment to get Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella at your clinic?

To schedule an appointment for Truly Comfortable Dentures in Marbella, please contact our clinic via phone or our website. Our dedicated team will help you set up a convenient time for your consultation and fitting.

Request a Denture Consult Appointment

Price range

€895-1095 per arch depending on aesthetics of the teeth, whether the denture has a metal framework or not, and the complexity of the case.

* per arch
